FAQS - Pro Chiropractic - Camberwell, Melbourne
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I’m a new patient, what do I need to do / bring?

Please arrive 15 minutes before your first appointment so you can fill out Initial intake paperwork. It is a medico-legal requirement to take a medical history from you.

If possible (but not necessary) please wear comfortable / light clothing and avoid heavy/ bulky clothing where possible.

What is a chiropractor?

Chiropractors are the Doctor of the neuro-musculoskeletal system, meaning chiropractors are qualified to treat any disorders regarding your nerves, muscles, bones and joints.

Chiropractors train for five years and in that time learn how to deliver a safe adjustment and other treatment protocols such as; soft tissue treatments, rehabilitation stretches & exercises, and other various rehabilitative modalities.

Great results can be gained through chiropractic care for all sorts of conditions affecting the nerves, muscles, bones and joints throughout the body and not just those confined to the spine.

Who do we treat?

At Pro Chiropractic we treat a wide variety of people including but not limited to; retirees, laborer’s, athletes, dancers, students, retail workers, business professionals, health care workers, domestic care- workers…the list goes on!

The environments in which people work in cross a wide range of industries and cover all age ranges. Anyone and everyone is welcome!

When should I seek treatment or advice?

At Pro Chiropractic, we will empower you to learn how to listen to your body. Whether you have symptoms or not Chiropractic can enhance your life. Our nervous system controls everything in our body’s, without it, we couldn’t exist!

Chiropractic care plays an important role in improving joint movement, sleep, muscle strength and efficiency, cognitive function, aerobic function, balance, co-ordination, posture as well as reducing pain.

What does the 'adjustment' actually do?

The adjustment works through a series of neuro-physiological pathways altering the state of the muscles, pain fibers and blood flow around a joint.

The ‘adjustment’ stimulates a relaxation in the muscles around the joint being treated which helps reduce local muscle spasm. It causes a release of endorphins, which act as a natural analgesic (pain killer). This desensitises local pain fibers, helping to reduce pain sensation in the area. It also breaks adhesions (tight or restricted areas) within the ligaments that encase the joint, helping to improve movement within the joint.

How long will it take to resolve my problem?

This will greatly depend on many variables like the type and location of the complaint, severity, how long the complaint has been present, if there are any additional complicating factors, compliance to treatment, lifestyle, age etc.

At Pro Chiropractic we aim to have you out of pain as soon as possible. We will discuss with you what your goals are and ensure you are receiving the appropriate care you require.

Your health is our first priority.

"A friend told me their Chiropractor cracked her bones, will it hurt me?"

Chiropractors deliver a gentle and quick ‘adjustment.’ If a noise is heard this is just the release of Nitrogen gas from inside the joint. The gas release occurs as the ‘adjustment’ creates a pressure difference resulting in the Nitrogen gas moving from a high-pressure location inside the joint to a low-pressure environment in the blood stream and tissues.

I don't like XRAYS. Will I need them?

If you already have x-rays definitely bring them in, the more information we have of your spine the better! However, we will NOT refer you out for x-rays unless we feel it is absolutely necessary. Chiropractic x-rays are used as a diagnostic tool and play an important role in ensuring you are provided with the proper treatment and care.

Have a question or looking for further information?