Shoulder Pain - Pro Chiropractic - Camberwell, Melbourne
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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Do you suffer from shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain is commonly reported after high levels of intensity and repetition that is not executed correctly in terms of optimal shoulder mobility and stability.

Between infamous burpees, pull-ups, push presses, rope climbs, handstand push-ups, ring dips there’s no surprises why shoulder injuries are so common amongst HIIT and CrossFit goers.

I should also add that shoulder pain and injuries are not just exclusive to HIIT/ CrossFit but can also be caused by any type of high-intensity workout or poor repetitive positioning your body has adapted to throughout your day.

First thing’s first- if you are in pain, it would be in your best interest to visit your health practitioner. Don’t wait for it to get worse or wait longer than you must- the longer you put off the pain the longer it will take to treat.

Secondly, in the gym, please keep in mind we cannot assume that each individual case will be the same and similarly, the same training cues may not correct every movement. Individual mechanics and movement strategies need to be considered for each individual athlete.

Some of the most common types of shoulder pain/ injuries include:

  • Shoulder dislocations
  • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis)
  • Bursitis
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Strains/ Sprains
  • Tendinitis


Shoulder Anatomy 101

Movement at the shoulder girdle occurs between two points:

1.    True shoulder joint: glenohumeral joint; a ‘ball and socket joint’
2.    The joint between the shoulder blade and chest: scapulothoracic joint

The shoulder is a unique and tricky joint!

The socket is relatively shallow which allows us an incredible amount of movement you won’t find elsewhere in the body. HOWEVER, to have so much flexibility means the joint is unstable which, unfortunately, increases our risk of injury.

Optimal function / interplay between the joints, muscles and ligaments is crucial otherwise injury to any one of these structures can result in significant ongoing pain, weakness, &/ or instability.

If you are, or know of anyone, suffering with shoulder pain then book an appointment to see your allied health professional/ chiropractor today. Don’t let the pain linger and become a chronic issue. The longer you leave it, the harder and longer it may take to treat.


How can chiro help shoulder pain?

Chiropractors are best known for treating issues of the back and spine but what a lot of people don’t realise is that chiro’s can also treat extremities – shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, hip pain, knee pain, ankle/ foot pain etc. Wherever there is bone, muscles, nerves – we can treat them!



When it comes to pain treatment and shoulder pain relief, your chiro Dr Anastasia Giannakis located in Camberwell Pro Chiropractic offers a range of treatment options such as:

  • Chiropractic adjustments (manual and low force)
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Cupping
  • Dry Needling
  • Taping
  • Rehab and exercise advice

The goal with treatment is to reduce/ remove pain, restore optimal movement and correct technique/ posture to prevent the injury from returning.


No matter what your specific shoulder issue is, your chiropractor will begin with a targeted diagnosis and find where the source of the irritation/ problem begins. Once the cause is determined appropriate treatment for shoulder pain can begin!

View our Services to learn more about what we do at Pro Chiropractic Camberwell.

Yours in health,
Pro Chiropractic Camberwell




myVMC. (2019). Shoulder anatomy (scapula, humerus, collar bone) | myVMC. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2019].


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